I can't believe I am writing about Dahlias! Many years ago I grew Dahlias and they did very well in my summer garden. I had ordered them through a catalog and planted them directly in the ground when it became warmer outside, sometime in May, as I remember.
They were of the smaller variety, about 15" high and had the vibrant colors of red and yellow. I did not grow them again because I thought they were a bit stiff looking and not at all natural in my garden. Also, they were expensive, and I did not dig them up in the fall. In zone 5 they are not perennials.
For some reason, I found myself thinking of Dahlias again this year when envisioning containers for myself and my daughter-in-law. We both needed something taller with a bright pink mostly for a Cezanne color scheme in our containers.
I chose a medium sized Dahlia called Mystic Beauty (Biltmore Estates Collection), growing from 28" - 36" tall, requiring full sun. Some Dahlia flowers are 12" in diameter and can grow to eight feet in height. I have started Mystic Beauty indoors so they have a jump start because of their later bloom time, August through frost. I am hoping I can at least bring on an early July bloom time.
I am choosing Dahlias this year mainly for height and color, so we will see if this works out.
I have enjoyed dahlias through the years... I grew the small flowered Bishops series from seed and they did especially well for me. I really like the large flowered dahlias, but they seem to draw giant aphid like creatures here (some years this has happened with the lupines as well) and frequently the buds won't open... rather, eventually turning a black color... I have no idea what causes this, but haven't grown dahlias of late because of the problem. Larry
Yes,it did say they can be prone to insects. Since I am going to be putting them in containers away from the garden maybe it won't be such a problem. It is just so difficult to find long blooming plants for containers that are tall and striking.
Mystic Beauty is stunning. Wow. I love it. The other dahlias you have with the header are also beauties.
Thanks Becca,
I hope it is as pretty in our containers this summer. We all love to oexperiment.
Hi Eileen. Oh, I love your dahlias. Especially the ones with the turned petals. I only had one poor dahlia but a fellow blogger divided hers and sent me some and I cannot wait to see them bloom this summer. I wish we could leave them in the ground in our zone 5. Wouldn't that be wonderful? So I may put mine in pots.
About the question as to the name of my Daffodils, I do not have a clue. They were here when we bought the house many years ago. The wonderful things have been divided and moved, and moved , and moved. LOL!
Hi Lona,
I will do pictures of the dahlia's if they sprout. I do wish they were perennial in our area. I am not too good about taking things out of the ground in the fall.
I love Dahlias and I grow several here. Last year was the first time I dug them up so I could divide them, we're lucky that they usually come back after the winter. You chose some beautiful ones, I can't wait to see them in bloom in your garden.
I am just going to try Mystic Beauty this year. We will see if these are successful before I go whole hog and invest in other varieties. I would be so much more adventurous if there were perennials here.
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