The Chanticleer Pear is much narrower than the Bradford or the Trinity. Therefore, it is much less susceptible to limb breakage. It is insect free, beautiful shiny leaves, white spring flowers, small little fruits, beautiful fall color.
I was so glad that I moved the cabbages into the garden. In fact I think I will plant some in this area next year.
Little Henry's Garnet Sweetspire has had several years of not doing well, almost getting pulled out. I fed it a systemic this spring and it has really put on a show. Hopefully, it will finally be in full flower next summer.

My resin container in front is almost completed with painted grapevine spheres and sprayed dried hydrangeas. I'll add some ribbon that will hold up outdoors.
There is a lot in the concrete boxes on the front ledge. I have added a shatterproof ornament, large pine cone and sprayed dried hydrangeas.
I just added a little moss to the blue ceramic containers by my front door, love those little pomegranates.
Pepper Berries, Juniper Berries and assorted greens in the cast iron planters.

Heuchera Southern Comfort continues to be a surprise with it's deepening colors. It really pops amongst the myrtle and against the boxwood.
The alley garden is in full fall color set off by the Panicum Northwind grasses. I don't look forward to the snow plow coming through and covering everything up.
Autumn Fern is in my back garden and will develop reddish tinges before going to sleep for the winter.
Look who I found, Becky, hiding behind a clematis vine!
I don't have the heart to pull out the pansies. I think I will just go over them with some holiday greens.
I have eight Rainbow Knockouts around the back garden. I was thinking if I had put in more I would have a yard full of blooming flowers at the end of November. But, then I wouldn't have room to plant anything else which might be little boring.