Nasturtiums still blooming, where did that color come from?
Most of us realize pretty quick that there is no one to answer the multitude of questions that we have. Sometimes, we find a friend online who will give us some basic information on how to upload photos, how to keep those photos with the post, how to put a photo on a header that doesn't look giant and many more.
This was the home I went by a couple of weeks ago where a crew was putting in the plantings. It turned out to be both mums and cabbages.

We found lots of bargains at Home Depot for my daughter-in-law's alley garden, daylilies for $1.97???
Being about ready to pull her hair out we made a date to do some blog set-ups on the new Template Designer. After figuring out how she could log on to my computer as a new user (she did not have a laptop) we were on a roll, picking a template, choosing colors, print style, adjusting widths, etc., so much to do, so little time.
Miscanthus Pupurescens Flame
It is not over, is it ever? But, Mary Anne is on her way as a new blogger with many more questions, experimentation and friends to meet.
Panicum Northwind
I have spiced up this blog today with some of my waning garden photos. You can visit Mary Anne at
Love,love the plantings in front of that adorable home!! Yes we support new bloggers.
I did not see where to click to comment on her blog though.
I know Darla, I have already notified Mary Anne of this. It was there yesterday on some of her olders post, but somehow it became deactivated.
Some very nice photos in your post today... those gardens looks so organized compared to mine! You are always so supportive of others... I've appreciated the help you've sent my way! L
Dear Eileen, How very generous of you to share your knowledge with Mary Anne. It is so true, we all need help in the early stages and having a friendly guide can make all the difference. I have been overwhelmed with the generosity of other bloggers who are always keen to help if they can. It is a good community to belong to.
Yes, as a new blogger I can say that I've been overwhelmed at times and the support from the gardening blogging community has been so supportive. It really is such a friendly, helpful community and I'm so happy to be apart of it!
Btw, I like your new header too!
Thanks Larry, those gardens have help and they are much smaller than yours. Yours is like a trip to an Arboretum, not the same thing as a yard.
Edith, we began around the same time. It has been a journey hasn't it! I still have a lot to learn, but it is getting a little easier.
Thanks Cat, it has been a real learning experience. I am trying to use some seasona headers, not thrilled about a winter header!
That Nasturtiums is just gorgeous! What a score at Home Depot, I love this time of year, great plant sales. Welcome Mary Anne to the blogosphere.
I love the shot of the home with all the mums out front. That is a nice trunk load of bargains that you bought. What a nice friend you are to help with the blog set up. I will try to pay a welcome visit. Have a great weekend. Jennifer
I know meemsync, I don't know where that color combo came from, it is just one plant. They are pretty even though it was too hot this summer for them to bloom.
Jennifer, these plantings were not done by your everyday gardner, several people did this. It would take me a week to do those types of plantings. We really cleaned up at Home Depot.
Eileen, If you need help with some of the modifications check out the
Thank you MBT, I will check this out.
Lots of good stuff going on here today, Eileen. You are amazing and the perfect mentor for a new garden blogger. Will have to visit. Happy autumn weekend :)
Oh, Eileen, how kind of you to help a new blogger, she is very lucky! The plantings in front of the grand home really turned out gorgeous, too. I'm glad you gave us a follow-up!
Thank you Eileen for your thoughtful comment at mine, I appreciate your visits very much.
And what a good friend you are in assisting Mary with her new blog. It's great fun choosing templates and fonts etc and I see it as an evolving process just like grdening. I will pop over to welcome her.
Your photos as ever are a delight!
Hi Karen,
It is unusual to meet another blogger that lives close by, so I thought we had better stick together.
Thanks Jeanne, and thank you for visiting Mary Anne's blog.
Beautiful flowers! love the last purple one.
I am a new garden blogger as well. And I am also finding all the implications of having to maintain a blog. So far is fun, but is a lot of work
Nice photos. I have that same Miscanthus and guess what. I don't know the name either. LOL
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