Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Dem Bones

There is a book I used to read each year to the children about the human skeleton called Dem Bones by Bob Barner.  It was a fun way through song to learn the names of the bones in our bodies

Take a look at "Dem Bones" in your winter garden, sorry I don't have a song to go along with these bones.  If you look out and you do not see anything but borders, sticks and mulch you need some bones to your garden.  What I mean by bones is structures or plants that are visible after everything else dies down.

Bones can be achieved through trees, conifers, fences, gates, pathways, raised beds, arbors, pergolas, decorative garden sheds, obelisks, trellises, benches and year-round planters.  If you are on a wooded lot, you are not going to miss all of those other structures as much (this is not to say that a wooded lot cannot be improved by some of the above) but if not, your garden will look pretty desolate in the winter without some interest.

Bird feeders add to the structure of a garden

I doubt if anyone would want to sit here during the winter but it gives the feeling that you could take a rest.

Another place to take a rest at the end of a pathway before going through the gate becomes a focal point in the garden.

Raised curved planter with boxwood for winter interest

Raised bed veggie garden

Choose decorative trellises for a little winter art in the garden.

I guess if I had to pick my favorite structures to look at in the winter I would have to say my larger structures give me the most pleasure, the pergola, arbor and garden shed.  Maybe, this is because they are always visible even in deep snow.

Soon these bones will be covered with all of the beauty of color and growth in the garden.  I can't wait!


Darla said...

Bones for winter interest makes you sit and imagine when the gardens are full and lush once again.

Karen said...

Eileen, you have wonderful bones in your garden! I love the structures and the planning that went into all your landscaping with your raised beds and curving walls. Winter interest is something I need to work on more and more.

Reading Tea Leaves said...

You have some good bones there Eileen! I love the planter on the shed with its winter foliage.

I'm fortunate to have the backdrop of a lovely high flint wall to look out onto, and the birds keep me entertained flitting on and off the myriad of feeders.

Looking forward to those first green shoots though!


Gatsbys Gardens said...

Darla, you are right, I look out now and imagine how it will look once the flowers bloom.


Gatsbys Gardens said...

Karen, the bones you have in your garden are great because they look so natural. I wish I had room for some nice evergreens, but everything is just too close.


Gatsbys Gardens said...

Hi Jeanne,

Your cottage is so unique looking, I am not sure you need many structures to keep your interest in the winter. I love watching the birds when the squirrels aren't chasing them away.


Jenny said...

Never thought about the bones. Good point. xo Jenny

Gatsbys Gardens said...

I never did either Jenny until I took a class at our local arboretum. It was called Art in the Garden and used artwork to show the importance of focal points.


Jennifer@threedogsinagarden said...

Hi Eileen, You are so right about the need to consider the bare bones of your garden. When you live in a northern country like Canada, you quickly realize that your garden will be snow covered for months at a time. I especially love your raised beds and your patio area! Like you, I have tried to incorporate garden structures and decorative plant supports that provide interest in the winter months.

Balisha said...

I'm going to have to take my camera out and capture my garden's bones.Thanks for the neat idea...Balisha

Gatsbys Gardens said...

Thanks Jennifer,

You are right, living in a cold climate sometimes all we see is snow for months some structures make it at least bearable until spring.


Gatsbys Gardens said...

Balisha, it is interesting to do this. I had a lot more going on than I thought.


Mary Anne said...

Good Morning:

Great post Eileen. Outside interest so important and you have done it well.

P.S. My Paperwhites are in full bloom..........I got a late start!
See you soon.

Gatsbys Gardens said...

Thanks Mary Anne,

It is amazing how all of those structures seem to be less noticeable when the garden is blooming.


Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

Every winter I notice the lack of bones in especially my front yard. But once spring and summer is here I forget about making space for bones and fill it with more plants that die back in winter. Your arbor and pergola are both so nice and I like that row of evergreen shrubs by it too.

Gatsbys Gardens said...

Catherine, your property is charming, the pond, pathways and your little garden house are all great bones.


Kate Walz said...

Looks like you have a lot of good bones in your garden! I agree, I think structures add interest, depth and places for plants to grow on and around. Love the book Dem Bones too - I just read it to my son the other day!

Indoor Fountains said...

Those are some great ideas!! Thanks for sharing!

Gatsbys Gardens said...

Kate, thanks for visiting. Don't you love that book, so interactive.


Gatsbys Gardens said...

Thanks Indoor Fountains.


joey said...

I'd say you were extremely blessed, Eileen!

Gatsbys Gardens said...

Hi Joey, I am truly blessed by the good things I have going on in the garden.
