These are nine inch clay pots with the largest bulbs I could find. I used Miracle Gro potting soil.
About two weeks ago, our garden club had a nursery owner as our presenter talking about fall bulbs including paperwhites and amaryllis. His main point was if you want lots of blooms you have to buy the largest amaryllis bulbs you can find. I guess I can't stand not having something blooming inside when outside has gone to sleep for the winter. So, I gave in and bought some expensive amaryllis bulbs, huge, at $14.95 each and justified it that it is a small amount compared to what I spend in the spring and summer.
Larger pots were recommended so that the roots can spread out and become a better anchor for the two foot stalks of this amaryllis. I never thought of this, but it makes sense that the larger the root base the less likely it will fall over.
The roots should be plentiful and healthy looking, spread out in the dirt as much as you can. Plant the bulbs two thirds into the potting soil and water moderately. Put in light but not direct sun and water sparingly until you see them sprouting, after which the soil should be kept damp. Remove the flower stalks when flowers are spent.
I have bought amaryllis from Home Depot and have also ordered them online from a bulb company. This time I went to a local nursery and picked the ones where most of them were gone, must be a good one if everyone wants it! Well, it was a guess but a right one when I looked it up it got rave reviews.
Amaryllis Picotee
This is my winter garden, amaryllis, paperwhites and some poinsettias. Maybe these with my yet undelivered catalogs will keep me happy until spring.