Monday, July 13, 2015

Another Show!

Can you just hear Ethel Merman singing, another opening, another show?  Well, this is showtime in the garden world.  I still have a few days before the cymbals bang but I thought it would be wise to show what I have - another big storm predicted.

Altari Orienpet Lily
I have mostly Orienpets because of their drama.  Most of them stand without support, but I have a few that are about eight feet tall so I use holders - invisible in the foliage.
Conca d'Or Orienpet Lily
This one is just beginning to open, pale yellow
Satisfaction Orienpet Lily
I almost gave this one up, first to bloom, fades in the sun, so I moved it to a little shadier place in the front garden.
Lavon Orienpet Lily
My favorite, warm colors and heavenly scent!
Orienpet Lily (unknown variety)
This could be Montego Bay but was not labeled in a grouping.
This one does require support, the lilies are not all at the top.
As you can see, it's all about how lilies look in the border if you are going to use them in formal plantings.
The nice thing about lilies is that you can cut them back about a foot when finished blooming so the stalks can cure and not show up in the surrounding foliage.
Blue Paradise Phlox
Introduced by Piet Oudolf, blue in the morning, scented, first to bloom for me, but does require support.  This is also my best repeat bloomer after deadheading.
Blue Paradise Phlox
It is the only phlox that I know of that turns a different color later in the day!
Geranium Blue Sunshine
Not as robust as Rozanne but lighter green leaves and lighter blue flowers.
Geranium Rozanne
Strong grower, benefits from an obelisk and some pruning to keep it in control.  This one blooms until frost.
Entrapment Daylily With Rozanne Geranium
Space Age Daylily
Blooms at different heights, very large bloom

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