Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Early Bird Bloomers

We all expect our spring bloomers to be considered early bloomers but it is an added bonus to plan for unexpected perennials that bloom when the bulbs have barely finished.

Bourbon Clematis (Type II)
This is a shorter clematis (about six feet), perfect for an obelisk or tuteur in the garden bed.
Clematis Multi-Blue (Type II)
This is another shorter one that will grow in part shade and has a wonderful lighter green leaf.
Clematis Bee's Jubilee (Type II)
Looks great growing up the pergola with Fireworks!
Clematis Fireworks (Type II)
Clematis Miss Bateman (Type II)
Clematis Dr. Rupple (Type II)
I love the Type II clematis for their large flowers and early blooms, but you are taking a chance when you grow them.  I have several others that the rabbits got to during the winter and cut to the ground.  When this happens they still will regrow but will bloom later and with a much smaller bloom.
My method with Type II's is to cut them down after the first flush of blooms, they regrow during the summer months and stand during the winter.  I then trim them lightly in the spring only cutting off any dead wood.  I will remember to spread my granular critter repellent this fall.

 Geranium Max Frei
The is an early blooming mounding geranium that looks great along pathways but does not bloom all summer!  I was almost ready to do away with it when someone suggested that I do some interplanting of summer annuals .  I have chosen to do some New Guinea Impatiens since part of the border is in part shade.  We will see how this works out.  It is such a great looking geranium I would hate to take it out.
Geranium Lancastriense Striatum
I almost gave us on this one that I brought from my last home almost ten years ago.  This is the best it has every looked!  Also, this is not a geranium that blooms all summer so it does require some interplanting.
Brunnera Angel Wings
This is not a Brunnera I would have chosen but it has grown into a beautiful specimen with a multitude of light blue flower sprays.
Brunnera Jack Frost
This one is a favorite because of its leaf variegation which lasts all summer.
Heucherella Stoplight
Heucherella Sweet Tea
Heucherellas blooms much earlier than Heucheras and are more tolerant of the heat.
Heucherella Stoplight on the north side growing in much more shade
Weigela Wine and Roses
Surprising to see it blooming so early!
Zinnia Magellan Coral
I grew these from seed indoors and they are already very large and blooming!


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