Saturday, April 03, 2010

Instamatic Spring

Many of us will remember that was the name of a camera not "Spring."  However, in many areas, it seems to have come on instantly following frost and snow.  We are happy, our mood is on the upswing and we are giddy at the sight of all of the beautiful flowers.  Our gardens have exploded with color, so fast in many cases, that we go to bed in the evening and plants we didn't even notice the day before are blooming.

My daughter-in-law asked me yesterday how she could have all of her tulips blooming behind the daffodils for Easter.  They are all early tulips, Monte Carlo and Emperor but normally not quite ready to bloom with the early daffodils.  However, with all of the heat we have had it might work - how?  Water, water, water, not something you think about this time of year.  But, if you have high temperatures, your early spring flowers are going to need water.  We are getting some rain today so I won't have to water again this morning.

I looked like a crazy gardener out yesterday morning with my hose.  You would have thought it was the middle of summer, but to me it was with 84 degrees Thursday and 82 degrees yesterday.  We are supposed to get rain and cooler temperatures, but with the heat give your little blooms a drink and they will stay around a little bit longer


  1. Dear Eileen, First, what lovely images of spring colour. So very cheerful for Easter time. Could such pictures ever have been captured on a Kodak Instamatic?

    What amazing temperatures you are experiencing. It is such good advice to advocate watering for it will help hugely when it is so hot. Otherwise it is a little disappointing to see things going over so quickly.

  2. I still have some old family prints taken on that Instamatic and you ccan hardly make out who the people are. We certainly have come a long way!

    Today is a little cooler and Easter will be in the 70's.


  3. Hi Eileen. Sounds like you are having the same great summer in springtime we are having. There has been a terrible wind here today and things are drying out too. It is hard to believe after all the snow and rain. Have a wonderful Easter.

  4. Of the three great photos at the top of today's post, the middle one has taken my breath away. It's one thing to be good photographer, it's quite another to be able to create beautiful flower compositions. But, I've already complimented you on that skill before. It's just that it is such a rare talent......
    We are also having 70 degree weather here in Montreal, perhaps not so unusual for the rest of North America, but a rare occurrence here. At mid-day, the sun was so strong that the grandchildren needed to play under the water sprinkler just to cool off.
    Have a happy Easter.

  5. Lona,

    We had that very strong wind yesterday - things were really flying! Today is cooler, low 60s, lots of rain this am. Everything is just popping out of the ground. NO SNOW, Please! Happy Day tomorrow!


  6. Thanks Allan,

    This is the one area of my garden where I take advantage of the pre-planted bulbs from Home Depot. As you know, in our climate we cannot plant in pots and leave them outside. When they are done, I just plant the daffodils and hyacinths in the gound and they come back next year.

    Have fun under the sprinkler!


  7. The cool front hit while frantically working in the garden. I'm happy not to be 'fast forwarding' into spring, Eileen. Happy Easter, dear 'newfound' friend. It's been a joy getting to know you :)

  8. A little more warm ccming. I hope we do not get hit with a midwest surprise! Have a wonderful day tomorrow.


  9. Hi Eileen,

    Yes, spring has sprung!

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful photos of your beautiful blooming garden...I know it's both a treat and a bit of a nail biter when spring comes so fast and early for us gardeners:-)

    I thank you for stopping by my blog, and want to let you know I did find out the name of one of the Bellingrath mystery plants via a soon-to-be-featured gardener...the amazingly scented Brunfelsia paucifolia aka Yesterday Today and Tomorrow.

    Thanks also for the heads up on a new (to me!) gardening magazine!

    Have a great day,


  10. Wow, what a name! I will have to look that one up. Thank you for the ID.

