Monday, February 22, 2010

The Countdown Has Begun

We had a snowstorm last night, but my countdown has begun!  I have decided I am not going to be affected by the weather because I know that four weeks from now I will be planting my seeds in the raised bed vegetable garden, onion sets, radishes, lettuce, spinach and parsley.  There have been years when I planted these seeds with snow flurries in the air, and there have been years when the weather was quite mild.  But, spring break heralds the beginning of the spring planting season.

It is a very small raised bed and I do not have the ability to rotate crops.  So, as Martha Stewart said today on her radio broadcast, if you cannot rotate improve the soil.  I do this every year like clockwork, manure, compost, some additional soil, shredded peat and some slow release fertilizer.  My husband came in with the dog and said it was like "flakey rain" coming down.  I do not want to hear this!


  1. Dear Eileen, I think you are so right to adopt this very positive approach. Leave your husband to walk the dog and get seed sowing straight away!! Last year's results look very impressive.

  2. Hi Edith,

    I do not do beans anymore. I could barely get into the garden to harvest. Peppers, Tomatoes, Cucumbers and Basil will go in later.

  3. Ugh Eileen. When will this weather thing learn to agree with us LOL! All we want to do is grow something, anything. It is raining here so far which is good for melting snow but not to the point of flooding. But the snow comes back by Wednesday even though I told it to just go away. ;-)


  4. I am visiting my uncle in Upstate NY and he is passionate about his gardens.

    Unfortunately he will fall victim to the weather as well. They are looking at a few feet of snow this upcoming week.

    I commend you for not accepting defeat when such an obstacle presents itself

  5. I am literally making my mind up to forget about it. I know it is coming because I saw daffodils coming up on the side of my house as I shoveled five inches of snow again! They are in another zone because of being so close to the foundation. They are up about 4". I couldn't belive it, but it sure proves spring is coming!
